Nicholas Moegly

My name is Nicholas Moegly and I’m a designer, illustrator, and hand-letterer from Cincinnati, OH. I specialize in creating handcrafted designs for apparel, advertising, branding, packaging, posters, album art, and more. I’ve had the pleasure of working with people and companies from all over the world – from single-person startups to Fortune 50 companies.

2017-11-17T20:40:29+00:00Categories: Freelancer|Tags: , , |


We are purveyors of brand integrity. It’s not just our passion. It’s our responsibility. We have always taken pride in our craft, and whether we’re working with a startup or a Fortune 100, we strive to reveal the purpose for being in every brand we touch, to evolve and grow stronger businesses on a human [...]

2017-11-17T20:40:30+00:00Categories: Agency|Tags: , , |